Everything in Girl Scouting is based on the Girl Scout Promise and Law, which includes many of the principles and values common to most faiths. So, while we’re a secular organization, Girl Scouts has encouraged girls to take spiritual journeys via their faiths' religious recognitions since we were founded in 1912.
Girls of all grade levels can earn the My Promise, My Faith pin developed by Girl Scouts of the USA. This pin, which girls can earn once a year, complements existing religious recognitions and allows all girls to further strengthen the connection between their faith and Girl Scouts. The My Promise, My Faith pin invites girls in grades K-12 to experience faith journeys through exploration of the Girls Scout Law and teachings from their faiths.
To learn more about earning your My Promise, My Faith pin, check out these resources:
My Promise, My Faith Fact Sheet (PDF)
Make the Connection (for younger girls) English | Español
Make the Connection (for older girls) English | EspañolReligious Recognitions
Religious recognitions are created by national religious organizations/committees to encourage the spiritual growth of their youth members and reinforce many of the values integral to Girl Scouting. While My Promise, My Faith helps girls connect Girl Scouting with their faith, the religious recognitions programs help girls grow stronger in and learn more specifically about their faith. Girl Scouts of the USA partners with P.R.A.Y. (Programs of Religious Activities with Youth) as a resource for Faith based programs. Learn more.
Girl Scout Week, the week in which Girl Scouts' birthday falls (March 12), is a time when we shout our Girl Scout pride from the rooftops! It’s also a time when many troops celebrate the connections between Girl Scouting and their faith, learn more about other faiths, and thank faith partners for their support throughout the year. Learn more and view our resources.